Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i <3 ny (except everything above 14th st)

im exhausted. like, just-tripped-over-my-scarf-and-instead-of-getting-up-considered-taking-a-nap-right-there-on-the-kitchen-floor exhausted.

fuck, for two people old enough to be looking into orthopedic footwear and a timeshare in west palm my parents have some serious energy. enough for me to doubt if my moms trips to the bathroom were really to reapply lipstick. and you'd think that after living here for >15 years they'd be over the anxiety inducing tourist traps, but no. herald sq, times sq, rock center, wollman, tavern on the green, and the met. in. one. day.

i mean...i can't even...whatever.

i did, however, get to wear my DOC MARTENS today! you heard me. the 90's. they're back.

ok, im sleepy and tocqueville awaits.

hmm, i just previewed my post and i've gotta say, this blog is looking kind of weak. tomorrow, PICTURES!!! yay visual stimulation!

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