Thursday, December 25, 2008

a little drunk...jesus knows how to party

merry holidays everyone!!! i just got back from christmas dinner with my parents and not only was it fantastically yummy (yay gramercy tavern!) but quite possibly the funniest display of parental drunkenness ive ever witnessed. i give my parents a lot of shit but those two are a party when they're hammered. our waiter was so enamoured by them and their "holiday cheer" that he kept bringing glasses of prosecco on the house, a very nice but misguided act of kindness seeing as they had already gone drink for drink through 3 bottles of wine and my mom's "drunk face" was turning into her "pass the fuck out face" at an alarming speed. so thank you santa, because the best gift of all is the gift of seeing mom and dad obliterated and stumbling through the doors of their classy hotel like two kids after junior prom. ew. ewwwwww.

and onto the presents.

i asked my parents not to get me presents this year. mainly because i've been having some serious anti-consumerist sentiment recently and because i knew they would anyway. and they did not disappoint.upon arriving at my parents hotel yesterday morning, my dad handed me an envelope containing THE BEST GIFT EVER!!! a pretty hefty gift card to...THE STRAND. so yeah, i'm a woman of loose morals and weak character. whatever. now i'm also a woman who owns taschen's complete library!

after the strand, what was left of my shaky values went out with a blaze of glory at Bergdorf's and FAO Schwartz. side note: if you're in ny you should really try to check out Bergdorf's holiday windows. they're always creepily incredible but this year, they have a few windows that blow my mind. especially the ones in front with the insane perspective (see second pic below).

really though, you have to see them up close, these pics don't do them justice. my friend edwin and i sat in his car for ages the other night trying to figure them out. amaaaaazing. and you know what else is amazing? my NEW SPIROGRAPH!!! at school we always joke around about how we're going to use leggos for our site models or etch-a-sketch ourselves a nice little stair detail but this is for real. this spirograph WILL make its way into my next design project. air flow diagram? facade? i'm already knee high in little pieces of paper, gleefully drawing away like an artistically prodigious autistic kid. joy! in fact, i think this post is coming to its end...i have hours of new music to dance around to (muscles and the young punx, check them out!)and a spirograph thats been giving me "fuck me" eyes since i've walked in my apt.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i <3 ny (except everything above 14th st)

im exhausted. like, just-tripped-over-my-scarf-and-instead-of-getting-up-considered-taking-a-nap-right-there-on-the-kitchen-floor exhausted.

fuck, for two people old enough to be looking into orthopedic footwear and a timeshare in west palm my parents have some serious energy. enough for me to doubt if my moms trips to the bathroom were really to reapply lipstick. and you'd think that after living here for >15 years they'd be over the anxiety inducing tourist traps, but no. herald sq, times sq, rock center, wollman, tavern on the green, and the met. in. one. day.

i mean...i can't even...whatever.

i did, however, get to wear my DOC MARTENS today! you heard me. the 90's. they're back.

ok, im sleepy and tocqueville awaits.

hmm, i just previewed my post and i've gotta say, this blog is looking kind of weak. tomorrow, PICTURES!!! yay visual stimulation!

Sunday, December 21, 2008



i'm jumping on the blog bandwagon. i've been entertaining the idea for years now but for one reason or another (lack of interest/initiative, the fact that the word "blog" makes me think of people who meet via the personals on craigslist) i've never actually gotten this far. so why now? i have 30 days, an entire MONTH, with nothing to do. NOTHING. no school, no job (that's a lie but we'll get to that later), no friends (apparently people go home to visit the fam over the holidays. whats up with that) and complete narcissism. sounds like a recipe for blogging success, no? no. truth be told, this will probably be more boring than your aunts kugel.


i asked my boss what he thought about bloggers yesterday...the conversation went as follows:

"hey matt, would you still be friends with me if i started a blog"
"no, definitely not"
"what if i posted about your rapping skills"
"what if instead of using your name i referred to you only as the 'biggie smalls of polaroid photography'"
"what if you handed me that frame you're sitting on"

like matty, i've been a skeptic. i mean, who (with any sort of life) has the time to do this? i was forced to keep blogs for some of my arch classes and could barely bring myself to post, even when my grades depended on it. but recently, every time i turn around, someone i know and (used to?) respect has joined that group of people who peruse the "casual encounters". but you know what, i fucking LOVE these blogs. i spend hours reading that shit. and i seriously commend them on their ability to continue writing. every day. because i, for one, can NOT do that. of course i've had journals that i sporatically write in, but these people, knowing i'm desperately seeking distraction during my 5 hour design class, write every freaking day! bless their little techno-savy hearts. being as my attention span is shit and i can't stay interested in anything that lasts longer than an episode of gossip girl, this blog will be short lived. 30 days to be exact. because i can barely find time to shower while school is going on, let alone regale you with tales of my trips to the bodega.

but for now, i must help my roommate parent-proof my apartment. ah yes, mom and dad are coming tomorrow (that'll be a fun post) and there's some crazy-ass smell coming out of the freezer...which is bizarre because the only thing in it is gin...

*this post is brought to you by ryan's computer. RIP acer. RIP.*